Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I have something I need to get off my chest.

I have an addiction to little notepads.

Its overwhelming at times.  There are countless empty ones already in my apartment but I can't help myself from picking them up and flipping through them when I discover more at a store.  In order to stem my hoarding of these little notepads, I resolved to never buy one at full price.  Since I'm not much of a shopper, I figured my self-imposed rule would save me.  And it works, at least until the bookstore has a clearance sale.  I always find some hidden among the leftover books from whichever holiday was most recent.  
I've at least been using the notepads in these first two photos.  
  The notepads in these next two photos are still new and in pristine condition, just waiting for their perfect use.
These next two notepads remained empty for a few years before I found the perfect use for them. 
I list books that I'm interested in checking out in the notebook pictured above.  Some favorite quotes make it in there too.
And this final one is where I list the books I've read, starting with my first year of making that list, 2009.


  1. so... you want chocolate and notepads for your birthday

    1. well, right now i'm well stocked on notepads. one can never be too well-stocked with chocolate though. ;)
